Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Pokemon for dummies

1) great intro: "what we are going to see is..."
2) missing objectives
3) definition slide OK, giving specs (820!), but story was missing
4) upper cases
5) reading all 18 typings, all legendaries (without explaining before what is a legendary)
6) use more BULLET POINTS (not paragraphs)
7) reading from the mobile phone
8) use tables and other visual tools (Elite Four, Pokemon League; game or anime)
9) timing slides
10) no new concepts, characters before they are explained
11) no wrap-up slides

1) what a great title
2) balanced design 1st slide
3) agenda missing
4) agenda as a translation of presentation objectives
 5) don't write what you don't fully understand: "Pokemon is a franchise" (smaller company)
6) enrich the picture: "9 people in Tokyo basement drawing comics"
7) good use of visuals
8) what are pokemon?  do not use paragraph; if you explain levels, use schemes; enrich: from outer space? what is anime? (do not assume people understand terms: it is TV series)
9) what is pallet town?
10) starter pokemon? (do not mention it before slide explaining it)
11) no paragraphs
12) no objectives of Pokemon. Game? plot?
13) ah...there is comic, anime/cartoon, game
14) good: standing and limited movement, stage control, usage of hands, voice
15) 3 regions: role, dogs/birds protect regions
16) Disadvantages and advantages (of what?): example of fire (17 more)
17) what is a pokeball and types? (and for what)
18) gym leader: compete against the Elite Four in games or Pokemon League in the anime?
19) generation VI? it is one of the regions?

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