It has been a while, ha? I hope we don't lose touch again this much...
I think a good way to get in touch again, is via "putting on the table" my Values, the ones one writes in upper cases. Here we go (a nice pic from our last weekend's extremely meaningful and memorable trip should help 😉).
1) Generosity: Why be here if you are not willing to give others a better world or to help others to achieve that by themselves? Generosity is embedded into something as simple as a smile or caring comment to the office boy, but also into something as complex as Progracademy or as growing with my two Pichones and Polilla.
2) Rationality: Why not use the most powerful tool that evolution has given us, our rational brain, to be aware that we know very little, and to constantly try to reduce a little our ignorance and hence, make the world a better place? As Plato said: "Ignorance, the root and the stem of all evil." (Ignorance of Means and Ends).
3) Growth: a.k.a. Progress, Flourishing, Development. Why stop the growth that took us from the cradle to the dance floor or the mountain peaks? Cognitive, social, emotional learning of ourselves and our fellow humans should never stop. As Michelangelo said at age 87: "I am still learning"
4) Love: Would we want to be more generous, more rational, and to grow until our last breath if we wouldn't love -unconditionally- the present and future of our earth, our fellow humans, or ourselves?
1) Use of Agenda at the beginning OK
2) Objectives of the presentation missing, including why you didn't
3) 5 types of psychology - but not clear that you chose 5 types and why
4) Never read 41 bullet points -never read text from slide, in fact
5) Biopsychology, counseling psychology, personality psychology, personality psychology, social psychology (last two work at companies...), school psychology, school psychology
6) no wrap-up slide
7) explanation of why she liked those 5: interacting, helping other people; content also -not problems, but counseling
8) which settings are interesting? field, not lab
9) volume, pitch: ok; better stage/hand management
1) great intro: "what we are going to see is..."
2) missing objectives
3) definition slide OK, giving specs (820!), but story was missing
4) upper cases
5) reading all 18 typings, all legendaries (without explaining before what is a legendary)
6) use more BULLET POINTS (not paragraphs)
7) reading from the mobile phone
8) use tables and other visual tools (Elite Four, Pokemon League; game or anime)
9) timing slides
10) no new concepts, characters before they are explained
11) no wrap-up slides
1) what a great title
2) balanced design 1st slide
3) agenda missing
4) agenda as a translation of presentation objectives
5) don't write what you don't fully understand: "Pokemon is a franchise" (smaller company)
6) enrich the picture: "9 people in Tokyo basement drawing comics"
7) good use of visuals
8) what are pokemon? do not use paragraph; if you explain levels, use schemes; enrich: from outer space? what is anime? (do not assume people understand terms: it is TV series)
9) what is pallet town?
10) starter pokemon? (do not mention it before slide explaining it)
11) no paragraphs
12) no objectives of Pokemon. Game? plot?
13) ah...there is comic, anime/cartoon, game
14) good: standing and limited movement, stage control, usage of hands, voice
15) 3 regions: role, dogs/birds protect regions
16) Disadvantages and advantages (of what?): example of fire (17 more)
17) what is a pokeball and types? (and for what)
18) gym leader: compete against the Elite Four in games or Pokemon League in the anime?
19) generation VI? it is one of the regions?
2) balanced design 1st slide
3) agenda missing
4) agenda as a translation of presentation objectives
5) don't write what you don't fully understand: "Pokemon is a franchise" (smaller company)
6) enrich the picture: "9 people in Tokyo basement drawing comics"
7) good use of visuals
8) what are pokemon? do not use paragraph; if you explain levels, use schemes; enrich: from outer space? what is anime? (do not assume people understand terms: it is TV series)
9) what is pallet town?
10) starter pokemon? (do not mention it before slide explaining it)
11) no paragraphs
12) no objectives of Pokemon. Game? plot?
13) ah...there is comic, anime/cartoon, game
14) good: standing and limited movement, stage control, usage of hands, voice
15) 3 regions: role, dogs/birds protect regions
16) Disadvantages and advantages (of what?): example of fire (17 more)
17) what is a pokeball and types? (and for what)
18) gym leader: compete against the Elite Four in gamess or Pokemon League in the anime?
19) generation VI? it is one of the regions?
A Flashback from our conversation in Las Terrenas, and what we are here -in this planet- for:
1/ to love, ourselves, others, nature, our career/craft;
2/ to learn, the most, including our crafts, but not only -as Socrates would say ("the unexamined life is not worth living");
3/ to leave a legacy
That is why I thought important to show a representation of those, our three missions in life, through three videos from one of my favorites films, about out of my favorites human beings: Brother Sun, Sister Moon, about the life of Saint Francis of Assisi
love to others without limitations (yes, also bugs and flowers) and to ourselves; yielding a sense of well-being and the sincere wishing for others' well-being
building our understanding and competencies in the only effective way possible: day by day, stone by stone, devoting considerable time to it, going through difficulties, learning from/with others
love and the capacities that we built employed for what they are for: to help others, who touched by our help, will help others too...a "in saecula, saeculorum" celebration
...and there is no need AT ALL to be one of the greatest humans beings in history to fulfill those 3 missions in our 8-year old friend Antonio Garcia demonstrated us with his love, his learning, his legacy...