Sunday, November 22, 2015

What is the best way to increase brain power so that you can learn things faster?

Say Keng Lee
Say Keng LeeUnderstands the intricacies & idiosyncrasies of the brain
45.5k Views • Say has 190+ answers in Learning New Things.
Say is a Most Viewed Writer in Self-Improvement.

Mental Hygiene/Health: brushing our teeth/lifting weights but not resting/focusing the mind?

“With mindfulness meditation, the evidence seems to suggest that one can achieve a level of change that would be impossible otherwise. The more you attempt to focus, the better you get at focusing on command, and so a real change begins taking place – you slowly become able to think differently, to hold thoughts differently and to dismiss thoughts that before led to attention difficulties or what feels like unwanted thoughts or clutter – and that’s not magical or the result of shaking hands with a deity, it’s biological. Listen as author and meditation teacher Michael Taft explains the benefits of secular, scientific practice of modern mindfulness meditation.”

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Time Priorities

1/ MAP curricular activities 
2/ Other curricular activities
3/ Extra-curricular activities
4/ Khan Academy math
5/ Boards: The Greatfulness Board, Pichones (...Premium a plus)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Grateful things

WEEKLY Grateful LIST!!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The $1-a-week school

For-profit education

The $1-a-week school

Private schools are booming in poor countries. Governments should either help them or get out of their way

ACROSS the highway from the lawns of Nairobi’s Muthaiga Country Club is Mathare, a slum that stretches as far as the eye can see. Although Mathare has virtually no services like paved streets or sanitation, it has a sizeable and growing number of classrooms. Not because of the state—the slum’s half-million people have just four public schools—but because the private sector has moved in. Mathare boasts 120 private schools.
This pattern is repeated across Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. The failure of the state to provide children with a decent education is leading to a burgeoning of private places, which can cost as little as $1 a week (see article).
The parents who send their children to these schools in their millions welcome this. But governments, teachers’ unions and NGOs tend to take the view that private education should be discouraged or heavily regulated. That must change.
Chalk and fees
Education in most of the developing world is shocking. Half of children in South Asia and a third of those in Africa who complete four years of schooling cannot read properly. In India 60% of six- to 14-year-olds cannot read at the level of a child who has finished two years of schooling.
Most governments have promised to provide universal primary education and to promote secondary education. But even when public schools exist, they often fail. In a survey of rural Indian schools, a quarter of teachers were absent. In Africa the World Bank found teacher-absenteeism rates of 15-25%. Pakistan recently discovered that it had over 8,000 non-existent state schools, 17% of the total. Sierra Leone spotted 6,000 “ghost” teachers, nearly a fifth the number on the state payroll.
Powerful teachers’ unions are part of the problem. They often see jobs as hereditary sinecures, the state education budget as a revenue stream to be milked and any attempt to monitor the quality of education as an intrusion. The unions can be fearsome enemies, so governments leave them to run schools in the interests of teachers rather than pupils.
The failure of state education, combined with the shift in emerging economies from farming to jobs that need at least a modicum of education, has caused a private-school boom. According to the World Bank, across the developing world a fifth of primary-school pupils are enrolled in private schools, twice as many as 20 years ago. So many private schools are unregistered that the real figure is likely to be much higher. A census in Lagos found 12,000 private schools, four times as many as on government records. Across Nigeria 26% of primary-age children were in private schools in 2010, up from 18% in 2004. In India in 2013, 29% were, up from 19% in 2006. In Liberia and Sierra Leone around 60% and 50% respectively of secondary-school enrolments are private.
By and large, politicians and educationalists are unenthusiastic. Governments see education as the state’s job. Teachers’ unions dislike private schools because they pay less and are harder to organise in. NGOs tend to be ideologically opposed to the private sector. The UN special rapporteur on education, Kishore Singh, has said that “for-profit education should not be allowed in order to safeguard the noble cause of education”.
This attitude harms those whom educationalists claim to serve: children. The boom in private education is excellent news for them and their countries, for three reasons.
First, it is bringing in money—not just from parents, but also from investors, some in search of a profit. Most private schools in the developing world are single operators that charge a few dollars a month, but chains are now emerging. Bridge International Academies, for instance, has 400 nursery and primary schools in Kenya and Uganda which teach in standardised classrooms that look rather like stacked shipping containers. It plans to expand into Nigeria and India. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder, Bill Gates and the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank’s private-sector arm, are among its investors. Chains are a healthy development, because they have reputations to guard.
Second, private schools are often better value for money than state ones. Measuring this is hard, since the children who go to private schools tend to be better off, and therefore likely to perform better. But a rigorous four-year study of 6,000 pupils in Andhra Pradesh, in southern India, suggested that private pupils performed better in English and Hindi than public-school pupils, and at a similar level in maths and Telugu, the local language. The private schools achieved these results at a third of the cost of the public schools.
Lastly, private schools are innovative. Since technology has great (though as yet mostly unrealised) potential in education, this could be important. Bridge gives teachers tablets linked to a central system that provides teaching materials and monitors their work. Such robo-teaching may not be ideal, but it is better than lessons without either materials or monitoring.
Critics of the private sector are right that it has problems. Quality ranges from top-notch international standard to not much more than cheap child care. But the alternative is often a public school that is worse—or no school at all.
Those who can
Governments should therefore be asking not how to discourage private education, but how to boost it. Ideally, they would subsidise private schools, preferably through a voucher which parents could spend at the school of their choice and top up; they would regulate schools to ensure quality; they would run public exams to help parents make informed choices. But governments that cannot run decent public schools may not be able to do these things well; and doing them badly may be worse than not doing them at all. Such governments would do better to hand parents cash and leave schools alone. Where public exams are corrupt, donors and NGOs should consider offering reliable tests that will help parents make well-informed choices and thus drive up standards.
The growth of private schools is a manifestation of the healthiest of instincts: parents’ desire to do the best for their children. Governments that are too disorganised or corrupt to foster this trend should get out of the way.

Low-cost private schools

Learning unleashed

Where governments are failing to provide youngsters with a decent education, the private sector is stepping in

THE Ken Ade Private School is not much to look at. Its classrooms are corrugated tin shacks scattered through the stinking streets of Makoko, Lagos’s best-known slum, two grades to a room. The windows are glassless; the light sockets without bulbs. The ceiling fans are still. But by mid-morning deafening chants rise above the mess, as teachers lead gingham-clad pupils in educational games and dance. Chalk-boards spell out the A-B-Cs for the day. A smart, two-storey government school looms over its ramshackle private neighbour. Its children sit twiddling their thumbs. The teachers have not shown up.
Recent estimates put the number of low-cost private schools in Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital, as high as 18,000. Hundreds more open each year. Fees average around 7,000 naira ($35) per term, and can be as low as 3,000 naira. By comparison, in 2010-11 the city had just 1,600 government schools. Some districts, including the “floating” half of Makoko, where wooden shacks stand on stilts above the water, contain not a single one.
In the developed world private schools charge high fees and teach the elite. But Ken Ade is more typical of the sector, not just in Nigeria but worldwide. In 2010 there were an estimated 1m private schools in the developing world. Some are run by charities and churches, or rely on state subsidies. But the fastest-growing group are small low-cost schools, run by entrepreneurs in poor areas, that cater to those living on less than $2 a day.
Private schools enroll a much bigger share of primary-school pupils in poor countries than in rich ones: a fifth, according to data compiled from official sources, up from a tenth two decades ago (see chart 1). Since they are often unregistered, this is sure to be an underestimate. A school census in Lagos in 2010-11, for example, found four times as many private schools as in government records. UNESCO, the UN agency responsible for education, estimates that half of all spending on education in poor countries comes out of parents’ pockets (see chart 2). In rich countries the share is much lower.
One reason for the developing world’s boom in private education is that aspirational parents are increasingly seeking alternatives to dismal state schools. In south and west Asian countries half of children who have finished four years of school cannot read at the minimum expected standard (see chart 3). In Africa the share is a third. In 2012 Kaushik Basu, now at the World Bank but then an adviser to India’s government, argued that India’s rapidly rising literacy rate was mostly propelled by parents spending on education to help their children get ahead. “Ordinary people realised that, in a more globalised economy, they could gain quickly if they were better educated,” he said.
Many poor countries have failed to build enough schools or train enough teachers to keep up with the growth in their populations. Half have more than 50 school-age children per qualified teacher. And though quite a few dedicate a big share of their government budgets to education, this is from a low tax base. Some money is siphoned off in scams such as salaries for teachers who have moved or died, or funding for non-existent schools. Since 2009 Sierra Leone has struck 6,000 fake teachers off its payroll by checking identities before paying salaries. A national survey in Pakistan recently found that over 8,000 state schools did not actually exist.
State schools are often plagued by teacher strikes and absenteeism. In a slum in eastern Delhi where migrants from north-east India cluster, pupils split their days between lessons in small private schools in abandoned warehouses that charge 80-150 rupees ($1.25-2.35) a month, and a free government school around the corner, which supplies cooked midday meals and a few books, but little teaching. When researchers visited rural schools in India in 2010 they found that a quarter of teachers were absent.
A study by the World Bank found that teachers in state-run primary schools in some African countries were absent 15-25% of the time. “The public teachers don’t feel obligated coming to school,” says Emmanuel Essien, a driver who hustles day and night to send his youngsters to a private school in Alimosho, a suburb of Lagos. “If they come, they might just tell the student to go hawking. They tell you that your children have to attend an extra class, or buy an extra book, just so they can make money in their own pocket.”
Privatising Parnassus
Given the choice between a free state school where little teaching happens and a private school where their children might actually learn something, parents who can scrape together the fees will plump for the latter. In a properly functioning market, the need to attract their custom would unleash competition and over time improve quality for all. But as a paper by Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das and Asim Ijaz Khwaja published by the World Bank explains, market failures can stop that happening. Choosing a private school can be a perfectly rational personal choice, but have only a limited effect on overall results.
One such failure is that parents often lack objective information about standards. Countries where state schools are weak rarely have trustworthy national exam systems. To attract clients, private schools may exaggerate their performance by marking generously. Mr Essien says he has taken to testing his children himself to cross-check their progress. Though paying customers like him can hold private-school teachers to account, making them more likely to turn up and try hard, good teachers cannot be conjured out of thin air.
Matters are further complicated by the fact that education is to a great extent a “positional good”: the aim is to get a job or university place, for which it is enough to beat the other candidates, rather than reach the highest possible absolute standard. Especially in rural areas where there is unlikely to be much choice, being just a bit better than public schools is enough to keep the clients coming, says Joanna Harma of the Centre for International Education at the University of Sussex. And sheltered from market forces, those public schools have no incentive to improve.
That means school choice can “sort” children into different types of schools: the most informed and committed parents colonise the better ones, which may then rely on their reputations to keep their position in the pecking order. Research from several parts of Africa and south Asia finds that children in low-cost private schools are from families that are better-off, get more help from parents with homework and have spent more time in pre-school. A round-up of research, much of it from south Asia, found that their pupils did better in assessments, though often only in some subjects. In the few studies that accounted for differences in family background and so on, their lead shrank.
Chile’s voucher scheme, which started in 1981 under the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, aimed to enable poor students to move from bad public schools to good private ones and to raise standards by generating competition between the two. Today 38% of pupils are in state schools, 53% in private ones that accept vouchers and 7% in elite institutions that charge full fees. In the 1990s a post-Pinochet centre-left government allowed subsidised schools to charge top-up fees. They can also select their pupils by ability.
Chile does better than any other Latin American country in PISA, an international assessment of 15-year-olds in literacy, mathematics and science, suggesting a positive overall effect. But that is hardly a ringing endorsement: all the region’s countries come in the bottom third globally. And once the relatively privileged background of private-school pupils is taken into account, says Emiliana Vegas of the Inter-American Development Bank, state schools do better, especially since they serve the hardest-to-teach children.
Where private schools trounce state ones is in cost-effectiveness. A recent studyin the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh gave vouchers for low-cost private schools to around 6,000 randomly chosen pupils. Four years later they were compared with applicants who did not receive the vouchers. Both groups did equally well in mathematics and Telugu, the local language. But private schools had spent less time on these subjects in order to make space in the curriculum for English and Hindi, in which their pupils did better. And spending on each pupil was only around a third that in the state sector. Lagos state spent at least $230 on each child it put through primary school between 2011 and 2013, public data suggest, around twice as much as a typical private school charges.
Marks for effort
A centre-left government in Chile is now unwinding Pinochet’s reforms. One of its changes is to bar for-profit schools from the voucher scheme. The new standard-bearer for market-based education reform is the Pakistani province of Punjab. Nationally, 25m children are out of school, and reformist politicians are turning to the private sector to expand capacity quickly and cheaply. To make the market work better, they are exploring ways to give parents more information about standards and to help successful schools grow.
Authority over education is devolved to Pakistan’s four provinces, and Punjab’s energetic chief minister, Shahbaz Sharif, the brother of the prime minister, Nawaz, has decreed that the government will not build any of the new schools needed to achieve its 100% enrolment target for school-age children by 2018. Instead money is being funnelled to the private sector via the Punjab Education Foundation (PEF), an independent body with a focus on extremely poor families.
One scheme helps entrepreneurs set up new schools, particularly in rural areas. Another gives vouchers to parents living in slums to send children who are not in school to PEF-approved institutions. All the places in some schools have also been bought up. Those schools cannot charge fees and must submit to monitoring and teacher training. Although the funding per pupil is less than half of what is spent by state schools, results are at least as good, says Aneela Salman, PEF’s managing director. “The private sector can be much more flexible about who it hires, and can set up schools quickly in rented buildings and hire teachers from the local community.”
Crucially, the province is also improving oversight and working out how to inform parents about standards. It has dispatched 1,000 inspectors armed with tablet computers to conduct basic checks on whether schools are operating and staff and children are turning up. They have begun quizzing teachers, using questions from the exams they are meant to be teaching their pupils to pass. The early results, says one official grimly, are “not good”.
In a joint study by the World Bank, Harvard University and Punjab’s government, parents in some villages were given report cards showing the test scores of their children and the average for schools nearby, both public and private. A year later participating villages had more children in school and their test scores in maths, English and Urdu were higher than in comparable villages where the cards were not distributed. The scheme was very cheap, and the improvement in results larger than that from some much pricier interventions, such as paying parents to send their children to school.
PEF now educates 2m of Punjab’s 25m children, a share likely to grow by another million by 2018. Meanwhile the number of state schools has fallen by around 2,000 as some have been merged and others closed. Such a wholesale shift to private-sector provision would create a storm of protest in Britain, whose Department for International Development is backing Punjab’s reforms. But there are few signs of anxiety in a country where many parents aspire to send their children to a private school and the country’s recent Nobel laureate, the education activist Malala Yousafzai, is the daughter of a private-school owner.
Schooling on tick
NGOs and education activists often oppose the spread of private schools, sometimes because they fear the poorest will be left behind, but often because of ideology. In October Kishore Singh, the UN special rapporteur on the right to education, told the UN General Assembly that for-profit education “should not be allowed in order to safeguard the noble cause of education”. Others, seemingly more reasonably, demand greater oversight of the sector: in a resolution on July 1st the UN Human Rights Council urged countries to regulate and monitor private schools.
 Crammed in, cramming
But where governments are hostile to private schools, regulation is often a pretext to harass them. And many of the criteria commonly used, such as the quality of facilities, or teachers’ qualifications and pay, have been shown by research in several countries to have no bearing on a school’s effectiveness. In recent years many poor countries staffed state schools with unqualified teachers on temporary contracts, paying them much less than permanent staff. In India, Kenya, Pakistan and Mali their pupils learn at least as much as those taught by permanent teachers.
Many small private schools do not try to get on any official register, knowing that they have no chance of succeeding, not least because of widespread corruption. A federal law from 2009 means that all private schools in India must be registered. This means satisfying onerous conditions, to which states have added their own. They must have access to playgrounds (immediately barring almost all those in urban slums), and qualified teachers who are paid salaries that match government-run schools. The state of Uttar Pradesh limits tuition-fee increases to 10% every three years. The main effect of this blizzard of bureaucracy has been to provide corrupt officials with a new excuse to seek bribes.
The need to fly under the radar means that schools lack access to credit and cannot grow or reap economies of scale. One small study in rural India found that a quarter of private schools visited by researchers had closed down when they returned a year later. Some will have been sound businesses brought down by cash-flow problems, as parents with precarious, low-paid jobs struggled to pay the fees. Others will have been run by people with an enthusiasm for education, but no business acumen.
Another study in Punjab shows how much the lack of credit hamstrings private schools. All those in some randomly selected villages were given a $500 grant and asked to submit proposals for using the money to improve, just as a bank might demand a business plan in return for a small loan. Audits a year later found that the grants had been entirely spent on school improvements and test scores had risen more than in a control group of villages.
A promising development is the spread of low-cost for-profit school chains in big cities in Africa and south Asia. Some started by catering to better-off families and are now moving into the mass market. Their founders have more in common with the highly educated young enthusiasts who start charter schools in America than the owners of the single institutions that dominate the sector, says Julia Moffett of the Future of Learning Fund, which backs education entrepreneurs in Africa.
Bridge International Academies, which runs around 400 primary schools in Kenya and Uganda, and plans to open more in Nigeria and India, is the biggest, with backers including Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates. Omega Schools has 38 institutions in Ghana. (Pearson, which owns 50% of The Economist, has stakes in both Bridge and Omega.) Low-cost chains with a dozen schools or fewer have recently been established in India, Nigeria, the Philippines and South Africa.
Bridge’s cost-cutting strategies include using standardised buildings made of unfinished wooden beams, corrugated steel and iron mesh, and scripted lessons that teachers recite from hand-held computers linked to a central system. That saves on teacher training and monitoring. An independent evaluation is under way to find out whether such robo-teaching is better than the alternative—too often ill-educated teachers struggling through material they do not understand themselves. The potential of technology to transform education is unlikely to be realised in state institutions, where teachers and unions resist anything that might increase oversight or reduce the need for staff.
Another trend, says Prachi Srivastava of the University of Ottawa, is the emergence of providers of auxiliary services for private schools, including curriculum development, science kits and school-management training. Credit facilities are also cropping up. The Indian School Finance Company, funded by Grey Ghost Ventures, an Atlanta-based impact investor, has expanded to six Indian states since it started in 2009. The IDP Rising Schools Programme, a small-loans programme in Ghana, also offers its clients teacher training. Private schooling may turn out to be good business for these firms and their investors—and, if governments allow it to flourish, for pupils, too.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Focus on the banana, not on the shell

I hear.
Lots of criticisms...
religion vs atheism.
"Religion harms", they scream to the others.
Even laughing at them.
And they in turn, get even mad at them.
At the defensive.
As it is natural.

I disagree: religion is not the problem.
It is just the shell.
The issue is the banana inside, i.e., dogmatism.
That is the regime of the unexamined,
unchallenged, untested beliefs.
That is what it leads to individual,
-and even worse- mass delusion.
To Leiden's Munster, Heaven's Gate, Waco, 
to pogroms, atheists' gulags, totalitarianism.
And even to social narci-networks
and keeping-up-with-the-Joneses.

The question at hand is how to evolve
from dogmatism.
As species.
With Respect (capital R) to our background, 
to our reptilian brain. 
In a call to grow together
not to scorn the others
(i.e., not to un-grow ourselves).

A call for the growth mentality,
a respectful depart from the fixed mentality.
The growth mentality of the critical thinker,
the humble life-long learner.

However, a big challenge hinders that call:
Inquiry requires the person to be at ease
with her "inquiry instrumental". 
And the majority feel as at ease
with their mental infrastructure,
as ectomorphs with their physical ones.
Inquiry requires them to build muscle.
Day in, day out. 
That is very risky for their self-esteems.
That is why they prefer to avoid
building (mental) muscle. 
"Just give me faith, myths, traditions,
delusions, unsupported beliefs. 
Superstition. At least I am not exposed,
as I am when I build (mental) muscle", they say.

In spite of the challenge,
it is worthwhile the effort:
A species that will evolve 
from conquerors to explorers,
from deliverers to learners,
from left- and right-wingers to common sense-wingers,
from status-seekers to wisdom-seekers.
From ignorant, angry, and greedy,
to wise, compassionate and generous.
From fear bearers to love sharers.
Because the ultimate logical behavior,
inquiry-based insight,
is to love.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

what is SUCCESS?

Success in one picture? here you go...

what is the relationship between Higher Conscioussness, Maslow's hierarchy of needs (not Thneeds...), and Ikigai?? (and the title of today's post?)

so let's recap...

remember the fourth in the 5th stage?

(a bonus: now you see the connection ego-lower consciousness and spirit-higher consciousness, right?)

Find peace (tip: the pyramid becomes a tree!!! it is magic!!!), and everything will fall into Gioconda!

Sunday, May 17, 2015


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect"
-Mark Twain

Friday, May 1, 2015

the parable of the cave...redux

as simple as that...

...MATURITY: the distance between Perception and Action...that is why the light (reason) is so important to see...The Little Prince called Hart the Reason:

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Thank you TO THE CUBE

This is what we want to build: learning platforms (aka in the XXth century as schools) that can trigger "Thank yous to the cube" !! When you learn to read, you read to learn...same with coding!

Así, cuando los niños como Víctor crean proyectos como éste, aprenden conceptos importantes, como las variables, pero eso es solo el comienzo. Como Víctor trabajó en este proyecto y creó las secuencias de comandos, también estaba aprendiendo sobre el proceso de diseño, cómo empezar con la chispa de una idea y convertirla en un proyecto completo y funcional como el que ven aquí. Así que estaba aprendiendo muchos principios básicos de diseño diferentes sobre cómo experimentar con nuevas ideas, cómo tomar ideas complejas y descomponerlas en partes más simples, cómo colaborar con otras personas, cómo encontrar y arreglar los bugs cuando las cosas salen mal, cómo mantenerse perseverar frente a las frustración cuando las cosas no funcionan bien. Esas con habilidades importantes que no solo atañen a la codificación. Son relevantes para todo tipo de actividades diferentes.
14:17Ahora, ¿quién sabe si Víctor crecerá y se convertirá en programador o en un informático profesional?Quizá no es muy probable. Pero, independientemente de lo que haga, será capaz de utilizar esas habilidades de diseño que aprendió. Independientemente de si crece y se convierte en gerente de marketing o en mecánico o en un organizador comunitario, estas ideas son útiles para todos. De nuevo, es útil utilizar la analogía con el lenguaje. Cuando dominan la lectura y escritura, no es algo que haganpara convertirse en escritores profesionales. Muy pocas personas se convierten en escritores profesionales. Pero es útil para todos aprender a leer y escribir. Lo mismo con la codificación. La mayoría de las personas no se convertirá en informático profesional o en programador, pero esas habilidades de pensar creativamente, razonar sistemáticamente y trabajar en colaboración...habilidades que desarrollan cuando codifican en Scratch... son cosas que la gente puede utilizar sin importar el trabajo que tengan.

...100% GSB

"We all die. But not all of us live"

Bruce Feiler in two TED talks, to be watched in this order.
Be traveler, not tourist...

...talking about WECs...hehehe

...100% GSB


Is to live like a human to cultivate the ability (skillful!) to chose our responses to stimuli?

Three podcasts that came one after the other (literally) because of one of those amazing, inexplicable coincidences go around Covey's measure of maturity: the ability to put a pause between stimulus and response. It is well thought out for wise people; it is short/non existent when there are big maturity gaps.

1/ Michael Hyatt

2/ Letting go reactive emotions

3/ Right Effort 

...100% GSB


Two questions:

1/ What is the relationship between bullying and poverty? (hint: material, mental and spiritual poverty) and,
2/ how to eradicate bullying? (hint: think about police, prosecutors, courts and social workers)

ok, here are the answers:

1/ bullying does not allow to break the (vicious) cycle of poverty
2/ 911!

is it clear the parallelism?

...100% GSB


"But there was a problem. At age eighteen, I had absolutely no gifts. I could not sing or dance, and the only acting I did was really just shouting. Thankfully, perseverance is a great substitute for talent."

"Despite a lack of natural ability, I did have the one element necessary to all early creativity: naïveté, that fabulous quality that keeps you from knowing just how unsuited you are for what you are about to do."

"I did stand-up comedy for eighteen years. Ten of those years were spent learning, four years were spent refining*, and four were spent in wild success." 

- Steve Martin
*: boy, how important is doing (vs. just seeing)...fourteen years on that...

...100% GSB

Saturday, April 18, 2015


What is the relationship between Plato and Campbell?

...100% GSB

Friday, April 10, 2015

En búsqueda del genio...and what the rich really want

En búsqueda del genio

- Sir Ken Robinson

En 1939, RKO Pictures contrata a un joven prospecto para escribir, producir y dirigir dos películas. Tiene completa libertad en los proyectos, privilegio que grandes nombres de la industria ni soñaban en el momento. Un año antes el joven había adquirido fama mundial de la noche a la mañana, tras representar en la radio junto a algunos colegas una adaptación de La guerra de los mundos, del escritor H.G. Wells. Antes había tenido éxito local con su compañía teatral, pero fue la radio la que lo catapultó a ser una de las figuras más influyentes del cine. La inestabilidad social de un país que observaba el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial logró una audiencia sensibilizada que se aterrorizó al escuchar que la tierra era invadida por seres extraterrestres. Nueva Jersey tembló al no entender que lo que escuchaban era la adaptación de una obra literaria. Y así el chico logró su gran paso a la industria de Hollywood. Su primera obra cinematográfica, que realizó sin ninguna experiencia previa, fue poco entendida y recibió duras críticas en su momento, pero años después fue redescubierta hasta ser catalogada como una de las mejores y más influyentes películas occidentales de todos los tiempos: Citizen Kane. La trama, los personajes, la cinematografía y el guion eran tan revolucionarios que todavía siguen influyendo en el mundo actual. El joven era Orson Welles, y había logrado todo eso con solo 24 años. 
Creo, sin ir muy lejos, que Welles es la clara explicación de que hay personas que siendo creadores, y gracias a que enfilaron rápidamente en el camino correcto de sus respectivas vidas, pudieron crear obras maestras desde temprana edad.
Ejemplos de que los artistas nacen, que llevan dentro la esencia de lo que son desde el momento en que salen del vientre de su madre. Y claro, también hay artistas que se hacen, que estudian, practican y perfeccionan diferentes ramas del quehacer cultural durante años. Pero los genios son de nacimiento. Pero no todos los genios corren la misma suerte, no todos son Welles, o Mozart, que desde niños logran encauzarse en el correcto sendero hacia su genialidad. La gran mayoría en realidad nacen perdidos, recorriendo falsos caminos a lo largo de sus vidas, o caminos paralelos, o terminan extraviados en la jungla víctima de sus miedos, fracasos o desesperación. Manejando un taxi en vez de estar escribiendo la próxima gran obra de teatro, vendiendo seguros en vez de fotografiar aquello que más nadie puede ver, encerrado en una oficina en vez de filmar una película que apabulle a Citizen Kane. No todos tienen la oportunidad de nacer con un pie plantado en la vía correcta, pero muchas veces el dinero logra que no te atrevas siquiera a divisar la meta. 
Esclavos del dinero, nuestra sociedad no es apta para genios creadores. Nacemos bajo la premisa de que el artista, el escritor, el actor es un muerto de hambre. ¿De qué vivirás? ¿Cómo vas a mantenerte a ti y a tu familia? Una cultura que circula con base en diplomas y méritos académicos necesarios para engrosar un bolsillo, pero que carece seriamente en cuanto a genios y cultura se refiere. La creatividad debe verse como un animal en peligro de extinción. ¿Qué hacer entonces? Carl Gustav Jung pudo dedicar su vida al psicoanálisis y a la psicología analítica, en parte, porque estaba casado con una millonaria. Podía viajar, leer, estudiar y pensar hasta el cansancio porque siempre tendría un techo sin importar lo que pasara. Así es sencillo revolucionar el mundo a través del genio (si se posee). Caso contrario y maravilloso es el del artista estadounidense Jean-Michel Basquiat. Quizás creaba porque no tenía nada que perder. Quizás no tener miedo es la solución para los que no son Welles, o Mozart, o Jung. Crear, trabajar, dejarse llevar por el genio a pesar de todo, sin tener temor a la caída. Al fin y al cabo, no crear, ni escribir, ni pintar, ni cantar, ni filmar, ni fotografiar, a pesar de que te quemas por dentro con ganas de hacerlo, es tan terrible como estar muerto. No escuchar tu naturaleza es sentenciarte antes de empezar. Y nunca es tarde para respirar profundo, poner un pie delante del otro, y empezar a moverte hasta aquella labor creativa, necesaria, en carencia, de la genialidad. 

......100% GSB

Sunday, April 5, 2015


We enjoyed singing Tambooor from Casa Espana until home...a long song indeed (but a nice one)...

but we enjoyed our time in Casa Espana too, flying chichigua/cometa/papagayo/volantin with our flying kids...

the time of our lives...

......100% GSB

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


"one single, elegant equation to explain everything"...


while there is life, there is hope, no matter how many obstacles you face (or how difficult they are)...the ONLY IMPORTANT THING is to give 100% in LoLeLeg...just keep going...

or in other words...
BV = 100% * Lo * Le * Leg
BV = 100% * Lo * (5Cs) * Leg 
BV = 100% * Lo * (5Cs) * Leg 
BV = 100% * Lo * (5Cs) * Leg 
BV = + (G.S.B) - (

......100% GSB