Her Friday could have been boring. She could have been frustrated. Unable to go to her after-class rehearsals at the school because of her parents' jobs. None of her friends attending rehearsals lived around her home. So they couldn't bring her home, either (on top of that, all of this was going to happen on St Valentine's Day...).
But then, POOH appeared (the Power Of One's Hand)...Her brother used "his hand's fingers":
1) Thumb: He was AWARE of her problem. He really listened to her (and remember, Listening is an Act of Love), he listened to his parents -both sadly telling her that unfortunately they couldn't pick her up. He was not "hearing" while thinking on finishing his dinner and going to bed (he has not feeling well that night). Thanks to his awareness/openness, he could see clearly the issue.
2) Index: He QUESTIONED himself: "how can she stay at rehearsals and still be picked up?" "if no friend can pick her up, how daddy can do it?" "Dad is only available at night, so where she could stay after rehearsals and wait for him?"
3) Middle ("el grosero"): He RESEARCHED for answers to those questions. This time the hard work of collecting evidence to support possible answers was not much, because he already knew valuable information: two rehearsal mates lived near his friend Diego's house...
4) Ring: He came up with an IDEA: "what about Dad picking you up at one of your friends' place at night, when he picks me up at Diego's place?"
5) Pinky promise: He CHANGED THE WORLD. Her sister's Friday all of a sudden was now going to be very different: she could attend her rehearsal and being picked up...and even better: she could spend some time with her friend at her place!! that's a bonus!. So the dinner changed as well: from sad comments to smiles and laughs!. He changed the world indeed...
At the same dinner we also saw another example of POOH:
In this era of increasing number of Heroes (thanks to the social networks, remember?), an Iranian teacher stops the bullying of a student of his, gets help to treat his illness, becomes a world-wide Heroe and helps people to "exercise" their spirit (by enabling them to spread love via internet)...ALL AT ONCE:
Maestro Heroe detiene bullying de forma muy creativa
1) He was fully AWARE of his student's issue, up to the point of feeling the pain of the bullying himself: he was fully compassionate.
2) He QUESTIONED what he could do to stop his student's marginalization, how he could get his smile back.
3) He RESEARCHED many different alternative answers for his questions: many hours asking other teachers, researching over the internet, etc: he researched on how effective would be to impose punishments on the other students, on using their parents, on using the school's director. He researched on practices against bullying which had evidence of success
4) He came up with an IDEA. Brilliant, original, creative: to shave his head!!
5) He CHANGED THE WORLD. He implemented the idea. He communicated it to the students, bravely. He communicated it to the world, gracely and smartly. Bullying stopped for that kid. Help for his illness was received. But thanks to this Unprecedented New Era of Connection, he also inspired many others around the world to stop bullying, to be creative and in that way to make the world a better place. FOR GOOD.
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