Saturday, August 30, 2014


MBBH was born this day (few!) years ago in Barranquilla. Thanks to that event, now November 24th, 2001 and March 9th, 2004 are the two most important days in history for me...and July 23rd became much more meaningful and grateful!!!

Greetings from us! We love you SO much, MBBH!!!

Here is one idea for MBBH to celebrate her birthday in tune with these (solidary and networked) times!!

PS: by the way, if you haven't figured it out yet, MBBH stands for My Beloved Better Half...

PS2: Y de regalo, con todo mi corazon, 2 joyas especiales para ti. No te he regalado nunca lo que las personas llaman joyas, pero si quiero que atesores estas 2, que son mucho mas valiosas e imperecederas. Te amoro:


"Luck is what happens when

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The power of IDEAS and PASSION

today we went through two very powerful concepts:

1) Ideas change the world -and own´s life- forever (pinky promise finger...)

2) Passion allows ideas to come to reality, no matter what

During the next 7 days:
- hungersite everyday
- propose (via email) donation for August 
- check Ted Ed weekly digest
- check Khan weekly digest (and do Khan)
- check OUR facebook
- review OUR Memoriando and Saving the World