Tuesday, May 27, 2014

y con ustedes...el ESPIRITU!!

to find questions
to research (questions and solutions)
to come up with ideas
to change the world...

reading (including comprehension)
communication (including structured and appealing writing and presentations)
logic (including math, organization skills)
culture (including history, arts, sciences)
character (including grit, integrity and golden rule)

The two hands...stronger and stronger leaves hold together by a light feather...the spirit, without which the whole thing goes down...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

First timers @ Mother's Day

First time that Sofia cooks the breakfast, Antonio prepares the tray, and first time reading the
next time there will not be Carlos, but Sofia and Antonio...

Enhorabuena, Mamá!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fatal, papá, fatal!!!

Llegaron los abuelitos de visita. At last. Y con ellos, muchos recuerdos. Incluso algunos que permanecian sepultados por alguna extraña razon. Re-vivir es vivir de nuevo...

Uno de ellos nos mostraba la nobleza de Pichon defendiendo -cuando aun no hablaba bien- a su adorada hermana de los regaños de papá:

"Fatal papá, fatal!!! No regañes a mi hermana asi. Si tienes algo que corregirle, hazlo con amor".

No pudo ir más allá de las tres primeras palabras. Sintio el resto, pero sus pocos añitos no le permitieron expresarlo. Aun así, tenia que regañar a papá. A su idolatrado papá. Y lo hizo. Con la determinación y valentía del gato que se la juega el todo por el todo para ahuyentar al perro que muerde a su querido niño. Todo lo que sea necesario, por amor a su hermana.

That's life, sometimes your values are going to be attacked...then you have to be brave and defend them...

Like Frank Ghery, with his job when he needed it the most...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014



Stop Blaming Others and Yourself 

Praise Other and Yourself 



Let Go of the Past


Confirmation of Your Own Death

Impermanence of Life


Unity in Creation

Your Nature is Love and Peace


Self Enquiry

Dispassion and Maturity

Appreciation of Beauty

Worshipfulness and Honor 

Life is Imperishable


Tuesday, May 6, 2014


...running around, with no clear milestones, deadlines, plans...just running around, quickly, and hitting many things on the way...(no wonder, right?)

so, in spite of spending lots of time and energy (afternoon and evening) one may end up losing points, and credibility (with Dalia too)...

Sunday, May 4, 2014


This is Holstee's
and what's yours?


Fue muy duro.
Todos nos arrepentimos.
Y todos aprendimos.
Entre otras cosas, a escoger cual tipo de vida queremos.

Ser honestos o deshonestos??

Winners o losers?? (el loser se sabe incapaz de triunfar y por eso recurre a la deshonestidad creyendo -MUY equivocadamente- que su "victoria" con deshonestidad no sera una FARSA EFIMERA que se convertira en PESADILLA)

Ser agua turbia o cristalina??

Friday, May 2, 2014


What's the definition of being a proud father?

That your son gets awarded as Student of the Month for modeling the value of RESPECT, of course!!!