Monday, January 28, 2013


What a great day: BBQ in Casa España for tia Vivi's Bday with full DR family on board
...and tia Pili visiting!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013


Hola Familia. 
Para contaros que ya recibi las calificaciones de los chicos. 

Los promedios son:
Antonio 92...y mejorando todas las notas y resultados de la entrega anterior. Subio 6 puntos.  
Sofia 94... Comentario de la profesora: "Si todos los chicos de la clase fueran como Sofia e Isabella, este seria el trabajo mas facil del mundo". 

Estoy muy orgullosa por el trabajo que han hecho en estos ultimos meses... incluso con La Taperia a bordo.  

Un besito para todos de,
Mama Gallina :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

the power of IDEAS !!!

Two great ideas in consecutive days: 

+ to avoid bored people in apartments, why not to have apartments in Casa España? (or similar)

+ to save Polar bears (they must swim now 9 days to find food...), why not to ship them from the North pole to the South pole?

Thanks, Pichon!! Keep doing that!!

Monday, January 21, 2013


It was a terrrrrrific Sunday, ha? (English has rrrss, you see? ;o)

We did picnic, harvested mangoes (tons of them!!), slept a great siesta under the trees, played tennis, discovered and played hours of paddle, got a sauna-shower, ate at the taberna, slept together (contando chistes hasta quedar dormidos!!), and on and on and on...what else can you ask for to a day????

I love you all endlessly !!!!

ESMALTE: Ni lune  ni miélcole..
INESTABLE:Mesa  norteamericana de Inés.
ONDEANDO: Onde  estoy.
CAMARÓN: Aparato  enorme que saca fotos.
DECIMAL:  Pronunciar equivocadamente.
BECERRO: Que  ve u observa una loma o colina.
BERMUDAS: Observar  a las que no hablan.
TELEPATÍA: aparato  de TV para la hermana de mi  mamá.
TELÓN: Tela  de 50 metros ... o más.
ANÓMALO:  Hemorroides.
BERRO: Bastor  Alebán.
BARBARISMO: Colección  exagerada de muñecas barbie.
POLINESIA: Mujer  Policía que no quiere entender   nada.
CHINCHILLA:  Auchenchia de un lugar para  chentarche.
DIADEMAS:  Veintinueve de febrero.
DILEMAS: Háblale  más.
MANIFIESTA: Juerga de  cacahuetes.
MEOLLO: Me  escucho.
TOTOPO:  Mamamífero ciciciego dede pepelo nenegro que  cocome frifrijoles.
ATIBORRARTE:  Desaparecerte.
CACAREO:  Excremento del preso.
CACHIBACHE: Pequeño  hoyo en el pavimento que está a punto de  convertirse en Bache.
ENDOSCOPIO: Me  preparo para todos los exámenes excepto para  dos.
NITRATO: Ni lo  intento..
NUEVAMENTE: Cerebro  sin usar.
TALENTO: No ta  rápido.
ESGUINCE: Uno más que gatorce.
SORPRENDIDA: Monja en  llamas. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

P O W E R C H A I R ! ! !

As Sue tells us, my beloved Pichones, you can see a wheelchair as an object of fear, limitation, restriction, pity, or you can see the...power-chair! as an object of joy and freedom.

Likewise, you can see life as a place to fear or as place of a place to spend/waste time while we wait it finishes or as a place to create (and leave behind when it's over) wonderful things and memories....

The choice is yours: it doesn't matter what happens to you in life, but what do you do about Sue, who could create (always joyfully) the first deep sea diving wheelchair in the history of humankind...thanks to losing the mobility in her legs...

God bless you both...

Monday, January 14, 2013

El Monstruo-Mimo de las Berenjenas!!

Hoy esperó a los niños a su llegada del cole nada mas y nada menos que Mr Berenjenas!!! Grrrr!!!!  

Friday, January 11, 2013

My Cooperative Daughter

Today, early in the morning, I was blessed by being able to go to the school and witness my daughter being awarded the title of student of the month as the most cooperative classmate. The award is determined by classmates' votes. So this award is very significant, my dear Sofia. Cooperation is the name of the game: at school, at home, at work, with your children, grandchildren, so on and so forth. You will be a great role model. I know it. I love you tons of times. Daddy.

Finding Nemo...and Ralph!

We went to watch Ralph at Sambil. We had lots of fun. The movie helped on that, but also "Nemo and friends"...on the way back home, when we droped daddy off (because he had to work @lataperiard @agoramallrd), some tears came's the eternal story: daddy spending tons of time at work...I love you all...and I miss you while at work...tons of times...

New Year!!!

We organized our most original New Year's party our camping...sorry, our Anacaona place. We invited grandpas, uncles/cousins and our best Dominican friends. Full of action, sport, music and fun...Celebra la vida!