Sunday, December 9, 2012


I was lucky enough to spend some daily hours yesterday with Pichones. We had tons of fun!!!

First of all: the comeback of "VEO-VEO"!! One of our favorite games when we were around in the nice Spain's roads ("una palabrita que fassdcfasdf silabaaaaaa PO!...Po-yote!!)

We also spent some table game time!!! Very close results in Blokus (and the Parasaurolophus got 3rd place!!), not that much in Cars and Prinicesses (I was "I know you I met you in a Once upon a dream...").

And finally, Mork from Ork got recorded!!: now he is famous, with videos recorded by great directors and even a painting of his family in Ork!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Nov 24th: y nos hiciste padres!!!

Hace 11 años nos hiciste los seres mas afortunados y agradecidos del mundo: una niña nos llego del cielo...y cantamos, y tocamos flauta, y la besamos...y la seguiremos besando y amando hasta el ultimo de los cumpleaños, el ultimo de los dias...Bendita seas, Pichona! y que cumplas muchisisimos años más...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My New Shoes!!

Pichon got new shoes, so he could play in the grass court. He keeps improving in his football skills so the shoes have to be along the same line... (don't miss his words in Spanish...)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

SANTA CLAUS is coming to town !

...and he is coming on Meteoro's car...or on a horse along with the Reyes Magos !!!
here you see the most wonderful family on Earth preparing the setting for another memorable Xmas together!! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

SIBLINGS caring for each other...

Hola familia,
Ayer Antonio se lastimo los pies. Se puso a jugar futbol sin calcetines y con los zapatos que no eran y se le hicieron dos ampollas. 
Esta mañana tenia que hacerle la curacion, pero como estaba retrasada para el cole, Sofia se la hizo. Aqui esta mi pichona ayudando a su hermano.... 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sofia's meaning? Wisdom!

Finally the day came in which Life gave me one of the most beautiful gifts: my daughter, only 10, gave birth to her first philosophical quote!!:

;( ;( Some times you are goint to feel like  "eat me earth" "tragame tierra" but in the circuntances, you have to LIVE THE DAYS YOU ARE ALIVE. Maybe tomorrow you will die but today you are alive, Live The Day. (y) :D (rofl) . So "Viva la vida" :D

When I read it, I couldn't avoid thinking on Carpe Diem

also on one of her brother's favorite songs: Celebra la Vida

and above all, on one of our favorite songs-videos. We liked to watch the video together, humming that beautiful and immortal song: Singing in the Rain...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Teaching Love Sciences since Kindergarten...

Que sucedería si comenzásemos desde el principio a aprender el trabajo del amor que ha estado siempre hecho para nosotros?....
(Rainer Maria Rilke)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

F A T H E R ' S D A Y !!!

Wonderful F-Day today: 

I was fully surprised by the gifts that my beloved ones made for me. They hided their intentions and preparations for quite some time...

My pichona painted a beautiful Still Life that reminds Giorgio Morandi's from 1960... 

and my Pichon sculpted a lively African Lion, with wonderful mane and tail. He conceptualized and designed the sculpture by himself...

We also took a walk through our lovely gardens and we stopped at our big neighbour: a huge Flamboyan tree...there I showed them the two functions we perform in our lives (day in, day out):
(REPRODUCTION and MAINTENANCE -breathing like the leaves, eating, exercising, etc)

remember that REPRODUCTION is not only about your forthcoming kids...but about your actions, your words, your attitudes...they reproduce you every minute of your life...take the opportunity in those moments to do as the song says:


Monday, July 23, 2012

New Year's Resolution

Guruji sent me a valuable B-day gift:

"Cada mañana es un nuevo comienzo. Cada día el mundo es hecho de nuevo. Hoy es un nuevo día. Hoy el mundo ha sido hecho nuevo. He vivido toda mi vida hasta este momento, para llegar a este día. Este momento, este día es tan bueno como cualquier momento de toda la eternidad. Voy a hacer de este día, cada momento de este día un cielo en la Tierra. Este es mi día de la oportunidad"
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

...and based on that I solemnly resolve (among other things, like being a Heaven-maker) to invest my B-day from now on surrounded by Mother Nature.

This year is a beginning (I also resolve to take more pics in my B-day, including Pichona and Mama):

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Golden Rule

Yesterday some children were playing Police-and-Thiefs (I guess). In the meantime, Ariel was at the basketball court playing "basket-soccer" by his own. They didn't invite him to play at any time. Let's learn from that episode:

Let's remember the GOLDEN RULE: don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you...

It's one of the most important values: do GOOD whenever you can. And it will be more clear what is GOOD when you think about the action projected towards you.

Last day we talked about the importance of PASSION and DISCIPLINE.

         They are key to develop your

But are the key to develop your BEING.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Honor time!!

Today we went to the school for the Annual Award Ceremony for Outstanding Students. Like every year, Antonio and Sofia received their Honor Roll diploma. Like every year, they got some extras: Sofia in Art (how come only 2 students received the award for the whole 4th grade? what happened in that class?) and Antonio in Football (he loved the medal!!).

So for our Pichones, a noisy round of applause, a big hug and a huge smile. Your parents are very proud of you, not only because of the results you achieved, but MOSTLY because of your day-to-day effort with:


Friday, June 8, 2012

What a funny home!

Our home is full of funny surprises all year long...when I woke up today, while everybody was sleeping I went to Pichones' bathroom, and what was the first thing I saw?

...their Tiger Cow!!! How come that animal got there? (overnight)

I kept walking around, and when I went to the living room, there were some sheets of paper on the floor (because of the breeze): 

and what was the paper all about? about a conversation the previous night with Pichona...

...about sperms and eggs, of course!

Sofia and Mom still sleep (Antonio at Diego's house). I walk around through the quiet house. Alone, laughing. Not aloud so they don't wake up. I turn my head and then I see it: a picture of the happiest family ever. My smile at that moment becomes larger than the Sky...(Heaven and Sky are the same in Spanish, do you get it?...):

Monday, June 4, 2012

Burundun Planet: Anthem and...Flag!!

Earthbound children love to play with the Monstruo!! When the Monster is nice, he is from Planet Burundun, where its inhabitants are fully pacific beings, plenty of inner peace...

Their flag? Still unknown, but we suspect one of these flags may be theirs:

A representative of Burundun came after our Tribute to Burundun (singing their anthem, drawing their flag, and praising them for being full of inner peace):

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TED Prize

I heard a very good definition of art today:

A poor Liberian passerby to another, when the latter asked what art is: "You have been here couple of hours trying to understand [this art work], discussing with your fellows. During that time you have not thought about what you are going to eat tomorrow. This is art."

Monday, May 28, 2012

Less Heat, Less Light...

Today we got to know that our friend Agustin, from Camping El Escorial, just passed away. His lovely wife and kids (Laura, Javi and Dani) will survive him, remembering him with love for the years to come. He was one of those Solar Dharma Humans, small suns that keep radiating Light (Wisdom) and Heat (Love) day in, day out. One of the starlets of "Las Madres de la Calle 3" band...your friends will miss you. In your honor, we leave these pics for posterity. Rest in Peace, Agustin...

respecting older people...

La Calle 3...(carrying a frog)

La Panda de Majadahonda...

The home of the frog (and the tree house)...

one of their favorite sports: Equestrian Art

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Art Exhibition time!!!

Today we all went to see Sofia's and her classmates' wonderful art works at their Art Exhibition in Casa España. Grandma went to see her classmates' job too!! Here you can see some pics with my lovely Pichona and her art works:

In the meantime, Antonio was outside playing football with this shirt... this court (I don't have pics, so I had to "assemble" from past pics!)...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Welcome Pichona & Pichon to Memoriando (Daddy's Blog) !!!

Hi there!!! This is me and my Better Half (pics taken the same year, but we still didn't know each other, that's why we were not smiling... ; o )

...and these are the 2 most important people in the world for us !!!